Miss L awarded compensation from Motor Insurers Bureau in bus accident claim

The Motor Insurers Bureau (or MIB for short – no affiliation with the Men In Black!) are a not-for-profit organisation who have an agreement with our government and the insurance industry to compensate the victims of uninsured and untraced drivers. They investigate claims just like an insurer would do and they agree to pay out on behalf of the untraced insurer for valid claims, and they are funded through motor insurance premiums.

We’re pleased to have been able to secure a modest £1,000 settlement for Miss L who suffered minor injuries in these exact circumstances.

It’s a fairly common thing for busy drivers who are either impatient or not paying enough attention to end up cutting up other vehicle. Buses are regularly involved in such incidents, and when Miss L approached us for help when the driver of the bus she was on was forced to slam their brakes on after an untraced third party driver cut them up, we were happy to help.

As no collision took place the other driver simply drove off and unfortunately their details were not traced. We pursued our claim through the MIB using their Untraced Driver Scheme where they acted in the same capacity as an insurer would do for a negligent driver.

There was enough evidence for us to be able to secure an admission of liability from the MIB and they arranged for a medical appointment to allow us to assess the value of the claim. Because of the way the fee system works in cases like this it is the MIB who arrange for medical appointments and private rehabilitation where necessary.

The only downside to a claim with the MIB is that it is normally a much lengthier process. As I said earlier, they are a not-for-profit organisation, and they do work to considerable backlogs. But it’s important to remember that if they were not there, thousands of people every year would be left without compensation, and the cases are valued in the same way as most traditional claims as well.

Luckily for Miss L her injuries were minor and resolved fairly quickly; hence the modest £1,000 award which she was happy to accept.

When it comes to making a claim with the MIB the important things to know are:

  • You must have reported the incident to the police as soon as possible
  • You must have had medical attention as soon as possible

If you do neither of the above within a short timeframe from the accident then the MIB will likely refuse the claim. They have to work to the evidence available which is largely based on police records and medical records.

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