Do I need to see a medical expert for a personal injury compensation claim?

The way in which we value a claim for compensation is by getting a medical report from a suitably qualified medical expert and then using our wealth of experience as personal injury experts, and official guidelines at our disposal, to value the case.

Without this medical evidence, it’s difficult to properly value a claim. So read on for why it’s so important and how we go about getting it.

Why is a medical report important?

These medico-legal experts are independent and their ultimate duty is to the court – but the unique skill they have over non medico-legal experts is that their report can be used and relied upon as formal evidence in a legal case.

A general report from your own GP is not sufficient.

It has to be a medico-legal report for us to safely rely on it. When it comes to the use of proper medical evidence, we won’t normally be able to accept anything less and neither will the opponent.

So how do I get a medico-legal expert?

Your lawyer should sort one out for you. Although if you do try and deal with the other side directly they may get their own.

We always recommend you have a solicitor for three key reasons:

It’s better for a lawyer who has your best interests at heart to select the expert as opposed to the at-fault party deciding who you see.
Only a lawyer has the proper expertise to review the report with the aim to guarantee the maximum possible payout. You’d be better having a specialist injury lawyer as well.
A lawyer knows how to best process the claim and assess what you need to do and how best to prepare the case for maximum settlement as well as ensuring the evidence we have is good enough to disclose to the opponent.

Do I NEED a medico-legal report?

I suppose you don’t necessarily need a medico-legal report to settle a claim. You could settle without it, if you want to. But the only way to guarantee the maximum payout is by going down the proper route of having a lawyer review some proper medical evidence and use the official guidelines and our wealth of experience to get the best payout possible.

If you want the maximum guaranteed compensation possible, you really ought to get a lawyer and get a proper report.

If you have any queries about a potential claim of any kind, call our claims team free from a landline or mobile on 0800 634 7575. We will talk you through your claim and, if accepted, make sure that you receive the most compensation possible to give you peace of mind and help ease any financial worries you might have suffered as a result of your injury.

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