Leg Fracture Injury Claims

Personal injury claims for broken legs can often be worth a fair amount. The restrictions in mobility and the affect it has on the victims life on all fronts (socially, domestically, at work etc) can be significant indeed.

As such, the payouts for the injury alone can reflect the severity of the injury, and any losses and expenses claims are often more than justifiable. Let’s look at the guidelines and what we can claim for to give you some advice.

First and foremost, always speak to a law firm and instruct a solicitor to pursue the claim. The only true way to value a claim for personal injury compensation is by getting a lawyer to instruct a specialist medico-legal expert to write a report we can use as evidence. The information in this article is intended as a basic guideline only.

Armed with our medical evidence, we use the official guidelines that I will reference below combined with previous similar case examples (known as case law) and our wealth of experience as a specialist firm of personal injury lawyers to put a value on the case.

Less Serious Leg Injuries

For simple fractures of the tibia and fibula where recovery doesn’t require an operation and is relatively straightforward, payouts can reach up to £6,500. How much you get is often determined by the length of time you are in plaster for, and the timescale of the recovery.

Simple fractures to the femur will normally have payout ranges between £6,500 and £10,050.

As is the case with some fractures, there can be multiple breaks and some ongoing disability that can either last a very long time, or for life. The top end of the ‘less serious’ category can address such injuries and is reserved for recoveries that can be hampered by the insertion of pins and plates.

There may be some ongoing issues, and the bracket for these types of claims can range from £12,850 to £19,850.

Severe Leg Injuries

Complicated or multiple leg fractures with the increased vulnerability of future problems will likely fall within the ‘Moderate’ category where the awards range between £19,850 and £28,000.

Serious compound or comminuted fractures with prolonged treatment and perhaps a lengthy non weight baring period and future issues can attract higher awards in the ‘Serious’ category with payouts ranging from £28,000 to £39,150.

In even more serious cases the top end of the bracket can reach almost £100,000 for the injury alone, but it’s hard to say where a person can fit on that scale as its all down to the individual case.

On top of all of this you can claim losses and expenses such as:

  • Lost earnings from time off work
  • Private medical expenses – such as private physiotherapy
  • Care and assistance claims for friends and family who’ve helped you out

It’s always best to speak to a specialist personal injury law firm like us when it comes to going forward with a claim for personal injury compensation. We can often get you a much better payout than other law firms as we don’t do the standard ‘25% deduction and upfront insurance fee’ that most other law firms so.

For help and advice, call 0800 634 75 75 today.

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