No Win, No Fee for Work Accident Claims

Making a claim for personal injury compensation for accidents and injuries sustained whilst in the line of duty at work can generally have good prospects for success. Of course, it’s all down to individual circumstances, but there are so many rules and regulations that employers must adhere to that proving they are in breach of one or more of the regulations can be quite easy to do.

So can we offer you a No Win, No Fee agreement for a work accident claim?

Common Cases

The primary regulations that you can rely on to show that your employer was responsible for your injuries are:

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations – covering things like slips, trips, falls, and other general accidents in the workplace.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations – covering work equipment, whether its machinery in a factory, plant equipment, vehicles, handhelds tools, etc.

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations – covering the use of things like hard hats, gloves, overalls, masks, and other equipment used to protect the body from harm.

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations – covering lifting and carrying in the workplace.

If you have been injured and you believe that your employer could have, and should have, done more to have prevented the accident and injuries, you can make a claim for personal injury compensation if we can prove they have breached the law. The rules can be strict, and there can be a lot of regulations your employer is responsible for adhering to.

Can we offer you a No Win, No Fee?

Whether we can offer you a work accident no win no fee agreement is down to whether we believe we have a good enough chance of winning the case. We can assess the risk of the claim in most cases in the very first call with you, and if we think we have a good enough shot at winning the claim, we can take it on.

If we don’t win the claim, we don’t get paid, and you are not charged – so yes, we do lose money. But we simply make a judgement and a cost / benefit analysis, and if we think the benefits of winning the case outweigh the potential risk and costs of tasking it on, we will take the risk of not getting paid. It’s a business decision for us.

Take care though – some law firms may still charge you if the case loses. Not all No Win, No Fees are robust like ours.

Unlike most other law firms, we can also offer 100% compensation agreements as well – so give us a call 0800 634 7575 today for help and advice.

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