Whiplash Injury Claims

Most Whiplash claims originate from Road Traffic Accidents. The impact of a vehicle crashing in to you can cause your body to jolt suddenly and result in injury. Whiplash includes many common yet painful injuries which range from back / neck / shoulder pain to headaches and dizziness. Your injuries could even be more permanent resulting in you having to wear a neck brace for a substantial period of time.

If you are a passenger in a car and you would still be eligible to pursue a claim for personal injury even though you are not the driver as you have suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligent actions. You may not be aware you have sustained an injury at the time of accident as symptoms are often not visible and can take a couple of hours to come to light.

When pursuing a claim you will need to complete a form known as the Claim Notification Form. This form, once completed, is submitted to the other insurers who then has fifteen working days to acknowledge liability. It is really easy to complete and includes all the necessary details we need here at The Injury Lawyers to process your claim.

The second stage of the claim is to obtain a medical report. A medical report is essential as it outlines the injuries you have sustained and the treatment you have received be it from a GP or hospital. The medical report is important as it provides evidence of your injury!

If the defendant does not admit liability then the case may progress to court.

Many people who suffer from whiplash require rehabilitation treatment afterwards. The most common form of rehabilitation for whiplash injuries is physiotherapy.  You may be worrying about the cost of such treatment. But fear not! You do not need to worry about how you would pay for this as the costs can be recovered from the other side. Other damages which may be recovered include travel expenses, loss of earnings and treatment all of which can be recovered from the other side.

So if you have suffered whiplash due to a road traffic accident call our team now on 01246 474 487.

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