Hit a Cow in the Road – Whiplash Injury Claims

As weird as this sounds, you may be entitled to claim and its highly likely you’ve been injured!

If you live in the country, seeing wild animals on the road is probably a common occurrence. Cows can weigh as much as 1000kg so hitting one is very likely to damage your car and cause you an injury! As such, here is some advice about your rights if you were to hit a cow on the road.

Common Injuries

Injuries sustained are likely to include whiplash and soft tissue damage to the neck, back, shoulders, and chest areas. That said, each case could be more complex and could include a number of different injuries as in any road traffic accident.

Who would be liable if I hit a cow in the road?

If the cow has escaped because of the Farmers negligence then the farmer will likely be liable for your injury. Most Farmers do have public liability insurance.

Some examples of how the Farmer could be negligent include leaving a broken fence unfixed or allowing the cow escape whilst under their supervision. This means that they have been negligent and broken their duty of care towards you because they are directly responsible for your accident. At The Injury Lawyers we would look to identify the Farmer as quickly as possible and make a claim on your behalf through their insurers.

Farmers can own vast areas of land but cows are generally tagged. Contacting the relevant authority so they can arrive and identify the cow could be beneficial. However, the most important thing to do is to seek medical attention, even if you think that your injuries are minor. Many injuries are realised hours or days after the initial accident.

Can I be liable?

There are some ways in which Farmers can reduce the risk of being liable. Animal crossing signs could be posted on the road which means that you, as a driver of a vehicle, should take adequate precautions as you have been warned that cows may be crossing. You should drive carefully where you see the signs, and take extra precautions when turning corners.

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