What’s the Maximum Payout for a Car Accident?

The answer to this question could depend on how you settle your claim. If you settle directly with an insurer, they normally won’t offer any more than couple of thousand pounds. If you get a lawyer, we can settle the claim properly using medical evidence and the brackets available for whiplash claims. These are roughly as follows:

  • Minor Neck Injuries: £1,500 – £5,600
  • Moderate: £5,600 – £27,500
  • Severe: up to in the region of £106,000

Where you fit in to these brackets is entirely dependent on medical evidence. Most people will fit within the legal definition of the minor bracket; so if you doctor tells you that you are suffering from “severe whiplash” that doesn’t mean you are due a payout of tens of thousands of pounds! The above are the legal brackets.

It can depend on how good your law firm is as well. We know from experience that most other lawyers will just settle a claim if an offer from the other side fits within the brackets. This is fine for them, and from a conduct perspective I suppose they are doing their job correctly.

But we have a different attitude – we’re all about fighting for more!

Using our wealth of experience and legal know-how we don’t just settle for the first offer – we often end up making three or four offers to the other side and we are constantly countering with them to get you the most amount of money.

The proof is in the pudding – I got £6,500 for my injury claim and I put that solely down to the lawyer working on my case fighting for more.

So the maximum payout for a car accident is a very broad thing to look at. If you break your back you are looking at a significant payout. But when it comes to the common whiplash type injuries, it could depend significantly on how you choose to settle your claim. Remember these golden rules

  • Dealing direct could cost you thousands of pounds.
  • Getting a rubbish lawyer could cost you thousands of pounds.

Contact us now for free advice on 0800 634 75 75 or if you prefer you can talk to us live by using our chat facility or you can even get us to call you back by filling in the quick form below… Let The Injury Lawyers fight for the maximum compensation you deserve!

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