Symptoms of Whiplash after a Car Accident

If you have been involved in a car accident, it is likely you will suffer from whiplash. The reason for this is that the impact is likely to cause your body to be jerked forwards and backwards (or sideways depending on the type of collision) and this will likely pull and strain the muscles and tendons in your neck, back and shoulders. The result is a whiplash injury.

No immediate symptoms is common

It is extremely common to feel absolutely fine after a car accident. The symptoms of whiplash injuries normally do not become apparent until 12 – 48 hours after an accident. So don’t assume you are fine, and don’t be surprised if you wake up the next morning and feel very stiff and sore. What you need to do next is visit your GP or go to a walk in centre or hospital to be medically examined.

Symptoms getting worse

It is also extremely common for the symptoms to get progressively worse over the initial few weeks or months. So don’t be surprised if you keep feeling worse and worse as days and weeks pass by. This is why it is essential to instruct a law firm like us to deal with the car accident claim as we can organise privately funded medical treatment to help alleviate the symptoms. Normally we don’t have to wait for the other side to admit liability – we can get it sorted right away.

When will I recover?

Whiplash can be a lot more complicated than most people think. Predicting the recovery period is very difficult. Some people may only suffer for a few short weeks, whereas some may be in pain for months or even years. Most people will recover from the worse symptoms within a few months, and will continue to have residual symptoms for a while after.

How much can I claim for?

Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you. According to the official guidelines for valuing these sorts of claims, the payouts can range between around £1,000 to £5,000. But as I say, it’s based on your individual claim. I got £6,500 for my whiplash claim, and I put a lot of that down to the lawyer working on my case.

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