False eyelashes or eyelash extensions compensation claims

Because we specialise and only represent victims for compensation claims, we don’t just deal with the standard cases – we deal with all varieties of claims. As a leading law firm in compensation for the ongoing PIP breast implant scandal, and with an increase in readily available beauty treatment on the high street, we have seen an increase in the amount of people asking us for help when things go wrong.

I wasn’t surprised when I read an article in the Daily Mail discussing examples of false eyelashes gone wrong. They can cause a whole host of problems and we are currently representing victims for claims against salons and individuals providers for negligent treatment. So let’s look at the law when it comes to making a claim for false eyelashes gone wrong, and look at whether you are entitled to make a claim.

Common problems

Allergic Reactions

According to the article, the glue that’s used will often contain formaldehyde or Latex, which can cause allergic reactions resulting in stinging, itching, soreness, blisters, and general pain and itching.

Traction Alopecia

Too much glue or the use of thicker glue, commonly done by technicians to get quicker results, can cause traction alopecia. This causes the natural lashes to fall out due to too much weight being applied to the follicle from the use of too much or too thick glue. This can be permanent.

Damage to Eye

Commonly because the technician applying the lashes isn’t suitably qualified or experienced; if contact is made with the eye either from the glue that’s used or contact with a utensil, the eye can be scratched or damaged which can cause serious problems.


Infections can be very common – if caused by unhygienic technicians, you could be in for a lot of pain and discomfort.

Poor Application

Repeated or bad application can cause the natural lashes to fall out, which is similar to the traction alopecia problem. The article also suggests that the glue should be applied to the lashes and not the eyelids which can also pave the way for infections and reactions.

If any of the above has happened to you, or if you have had another adverse reaction, whether you can claim or not all comes down to proving that the salon or technician has been negligent. Here are some examples of where you may be able to make a personal injury claim if something goes wrong:

Examples of clinical negligence

Failing to Test

If no tests, such as patch tests, are performed, and you have an allergic reaction, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. There is a duty on the salon to make sure that any products they use are safe for use on you.

Failure to Warn

If the salon or technician fails to warn you about certain inherent risks, you may be able to claim for their failure to warn you about what could go wrong. Knowing that something could go wrong may change your opinion as to whether it’s something you would consider going ahead with or not.

Poor Treatment

If the technician makes a mistake by accidentally doing something wrong, common with technicians who are not properly qualified or experienced, you can claim for their negligence.

The article quotes a spokesman from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Bernard Chang, saying

Repeated use of eyelash extensions can cause traction alopecia, a condition where the hair falls out due to excessive tension placed on the hair shaft.
If you have a bad reaction to the glue or get an infection in the area, the follicles can be affected. In severe cases, the lashes fall out and won’t grow back.

The potential problems surrounding these sorts of treatments are serious and common. That’s why we are representing victims for compensation claims on a No Win, No Fee basis, and you may be able to keep 100% of your compensation claim. There are often a lot of issues surrounding these claims, as salons are shy of accepting liability and will often even refuse a refund unless you threaten them with a claim. Making a claim is the right thing to do in our opinion, so get in touch and we will see if we can help you out.

Horror stories like the ones on the article show exactly what can go wrong. So give us a call if you need advice about making eyelash extensions compensation claims or any type of clinical negligence you may have suffered.

As the article states…

If in doubt, look for a therapist who is a member of the Beauty Guild or British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology – this means they are qualified and insured.

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