What is Considered Moderate Whiplash?

To answer this question, I first need to tell you that there is no definitive answer. The classification of your whiplash injury in to one of the common categories of minor, moderate, or severe is based entirely on medical evidence.

We send you to see an expert medical consultant who will provide us with a report that details the extent of your suffering. It’s about the severity and longevity of any pain, suffering, and loss of amenity that will dictate which of the categories you fit in to. So as you can appreciate, we can’t tell you what is considered to be a moderate whiplash because it’s all down to medical evidence!

But one thing that is very important to consider is this: what your GP or a professional at a hospital or a walk in centre classes as a minor, moderate, or severe injury is not what we would class as a minor, moderate, or severe injury. The brackets we use are based on official legal guidelines. So if your GP tells you that you are suffering with a severe whiplash injury, don’t assume that you fit in to the severe guidelines that dictate you could receive at least more than £15,000 for your claim!

The vast majority of people fall within the minor whiplash category, of which you can be suffering for a good two years and still be in this bracket. The official guidelines say that these sorts of injuries are generally worth between £1,000 to £5,000. For a moderate whiplash injury, the bracket is generally between £5,000 to £15,000.

In reality, the only way to value the claim is with expert evidence from a medico-legal report. To get this, you should instruct a quality personal injury lawyer like us to deal with the claim. Our purpose is to make sure we fight tooth and nail for the highest payout possible – so give us a call on 0800 634 75 75 today.

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