Average Compensation for a Broken Leg

The amount of compensation you are entitled to receive is all about the severity of the injury, the affect it has on your everyday life, and how long you will be suffering for. On top of that, there are losses and expenses to consider – like lost earnings from time off work, medical expenses, treatment fees, etc.

This all takes medical evidence and collating your individual losses. It can end up being a great deal of work. So when people ask us the question “how much can I claim for – just give me a ballpark figure – I won’t hold you to it!” it’s not as easy as it sounds. For straightforward injuries we can perhaps give you averages and statistics, but it still maybe nowhere near the figure you’re actually entitled to receive.

When we have our expert medical evidence – which is a report following a consultation and is used to value the claim – we use this in conjunction with official guidelines to then determine how much the claim is worth.

A broken leg is a wide term. Is this an avulsion fracture, or small crack or hairline fracture, a compound fracture, etc?  It really isn’t easy to just say “yes, your claim is worth around this much.” But according to the official guidelines, simple fractures can be worth up to £10,050. In more complex cases, the claim could be worth anywhere up to £96,800 if the injuries are so severe they’re just short of amputation.

As you can appreciate, this is a significantly wide bracket. So don’t get too excited that you could be claiming hundreds of thousands of pounds; you need to understand that it all comes down to your individual case and the individual circumstances. The only way to value a claim for compensation is by attending a suitable medical appointment with an appropriately qualified medical expert who will then provide a report to a specialist solicitor to value the claim.

To find out more, just call 0800 634 7575 today.

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