How do I Pursue a Motorcycle Accident Claim

Any type of overtaking can always be hazardous. Anyone who proceeds to make an overtaking manoeuvre should do so with great care.

You may think it is easier for a motorcycle to overtake – However it can be more dangerous due to other road users and the fact that they simply cannot see a motorcycle or are not looking out for them properly. Drivers of all vehicles can fail to check their mirrors and surroundings properly before carrying out a manoeuvre.

Obviously as a motorcyclist you are more difficult to detect in any traffic – but other road users checking properly, and not just glancing, can avoid accidents. A common incident involving motorcyclists is that of a motorcyclist overtaking stationary traffic and a vehicle pulling out of the line of traffic to turn or to change lanes thus causing a collision.

Advice for motorcyclists:

  • Anticipate the actions of others
  • Be alert and observant
  • Slow down and stop if the unexpected happens
  • Position yourself in the safest place to maximise your visibility
  • Take a ‘lifesaver’ glance over your shoulder before carrying out manoeuvres
  • Wear high visibility clothing so you are easier to detect

Motor cyclists are 1% of total road traffic but account for 22% of all road deaths.

In a recent case, a line of traffic was queuing, and a driver of a car decided to turn right towards a track on the opposite side of the road, in an attempt to turn around, and go back in the opposite direction. As he turned across the opposite carriageway his car was hit by a motorcyclist which was travelling in the same direction.

The likely speed of the motorcyclist was approx 40-50 miles per hour. The speed limit was 60mph. The driver indicated briefly before making the turn. The judge held that even if the motorcyclist speed had been lower, the accident would still have occurred. The driver was at fault for the accident with no contributory negligence on the rider’s part.

Obviously all accidents and circumstances are different.

Although the traffic is stationary and may not be moving/changing lanes very quickly, the injuries that can be caused to a motorcyclist when another vehicle pulls into its path can be severe. A motorcycle offers very little protection to its rider and the protection worn by the rider is often only a helmet and leathers.

Injuries can leave you with having to take time off work, missing social events or holidays, receiving personal and domestic care from relatives or even sometimes having to hire someone to help with things.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we specialise in personal injury claims and all the other aspects that can come with being injured. Other expenses, reasonably incurred, can also be included within your motorcycle accident claim.

Therefore if you have been injured as a result of this type of accident, and it was not your fault, then please contact us for professional advice on your circumstances.

Our dedicated claims line is free. Call us on 0845 634 75 75.

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