Office Injury Claims

Many people think that accidents at work only happen on construction sites because of the heavy machinery and dangerous nature of that work. However, accidents also occur in the office environment, something which when compared to a building site seems relatively safe.

One of the major hazards in an office can be slips and trips. If you work in an office and look around it there are potentially a lot of hazards. For example, wires that have not be directed properly, over stacked files which could potentially fall, drawers left open, bags and briefcases not stored properly are all common hazards that may seem unimportant but can potentially cause serious accidents.

So how do you bring a claim for work office accident? Like any other personal injury claim you would have to establish that your employers have been negligent. For example: if they have not ensured that wires are correctly stored and you consequently trip on them they can be considered to have not provided a safe place of work.

However, sometimes of course it may be your fellow employees’ fault (they may have left their drawer open or their handbag in the way) and therefore some people think that they are not able to claim against their employer. This is not correct, as there is the principle of Vicarious Liability. This means that your employer is liable for the acts of their employees and therefore can be pursued for this type of accident. This is why employers do so much training and have policies in place (such as storing your bags under the desk) to minimise the risk of these types of accidents happening.

So if you feel you may have a claim for compensation after an injury sustained in the office environment what are the next stages?

  1. Ensure you receive the medical attention you require, this also means that any injury is on record.
  2. Report the accident to your employer.
  3. Seek help from a specialist personal injury lawyer who can get you on the road to recovery as soon as possible.
  4. Receive the settlement you deserve!

Here at The Injury Lawyers, we have experience in these types of claim and therefore ensure you get the best possible settlement. We also act on our genuine no win no fee basis so you really do get every penny you deserve.

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