Accident advice for Motorbike overtaking stationary traffic

The ability to overtake stationary traffic and skip to the front has got to be one of the most beneficial aspects of riding a motorcycle. I know I would love to do this on my way to work some mornings!

However, it can be fraught with hazards due to other road users or even the carelessness of the rider. The main reason for this would be that drivers of vans, cars and lorries can fail to check their mirrors and surroundings properly before making a manoeuvre. Obviously as a motorcyclist you are more difficult to detect in traffic; however other road users checking properly, and not just glancing, can avoid accidents.

Unfortunately people can look but not see or register what is there and this is one of the main causes of accidents for people riding motorcycles. The most common circumstance, involving motorcyclists, is that of a motorcyclist overtaking stationary traffic and a vehicle pulls out of the line of traffic to turn or to change lanes.

The Highway Code states that when changing lanes or turning right then the “mirror, signal and manoeuvre” rule applies.

Therefore drivers should, in these circumstances:

  • Check their mirrors for other traffic, especially motorcyclists.
  • Signal their intention to change lanes or turn right
  • Carry out the manoeuvre in a safe fashion

If you, as a motorcyclist have been involved in an accident where these have not been followed then, if injured, and more than likely you have, then you may be entitled to make a claim for motorcycle accident injury.

Now although the traffic is stationary and may not be moving/changing lanes very quickly, the injuries that can be caused to a motorcyclist when another vehicle pulls into its path can be quite severe. A motorcycle offers very little protection to its rider and the protection worn by the rider is often only a helmet and leathers.

Not being able to stop in time and slamming into, more often than not, the side of a vehicle can obviously cause serious injuries. Injuries in these types of circumstances can range from cuts and bruises to broken bones and even sometimes internal damage.

Now these type of injuries can leave you with having to take time off work, missing social events or holidays, receiving personal and domestic care from relatives or even sometimes having to hire someone to help with things.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we specialise in these type of claims and all the other aspects that can come with being injured. Other expenses, reasonably incurred, can also be included within your claim.

Therefore if you have been injured as a result of this type of accident, and it was not your fault, then please contact us for professional advice on your circumstances.

Call us on 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today, or if you prefer why not arrange a callback from one of our team, for instant FREE advice on whether you have a claim to make! Just fill out the quick form below and we’ll call you when you have time to speak.

You can also get in touch by using our LiveChat facility, which you’ll find in the bottom right of the screen, our expert Claims Team are always on hand to deal with your compensation questions.

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