Whiplash Symptoms and Valuations

Whiplash is one of those conditions that is not so plain to see but can cause the sufferer severe pain for lengthy periods of time. It is a common misconception that the condition is based solely in the neck area; in reality, this can be very different as I will explain below.


The symptoms of whiplash can vary greatly from person to person:

  • Pain, stiffness, swelling around the neck, back, and shoulders.
  • Pain may radiate to the shoulders or down the back
  • Headaches which can be severe and recurrent

Some suffers of whiplash can also experience shooting pains down the arms, and even numbness / pins and needle type sensations down the arms and the fingers. Whiplash can be an unpredictable injury, which is why lawyers, on the whole, would advise to wait until you have recovered (or have recovered as much as you are likely to) before settling your claim. If you settle your claim based on the doctor giving you a recovery period of 6 months, then 2 years down the line you are still suffering, you may have greatly undervalued your claim.


When placing a value on a claim for whiplash, many solicitors will use the Judicial Studies Board Guidelines. These guidelines set out bands for which whiplash injuries can fall into. I have set out these bands below:

Minor whiplash can be worth £1,000 to £5,000
Moderate whiplash can be worth £5,000 to 15,000
Severe whiplash can be worth £15,000 and over.

On average, it has been calculated that a minor whiplash claim is normally settled at around £2,500.

The band which your whiplash claim falls into can depend on a number of factors. These factors can include the severity of the injury, the effect the injury has had on your domestic, professional, and social life, and if you have had any psychological effects as a result of the accident and subsequent injury.  Many of the items are included as part of your medical report – it is evidence such as medical reports that can determine the valuation of your injury. This is why our lawyers here at The Injury Lawyers we fully advise on the importance of informing your medic, when attending your medical examination, of the full effects your injury has had on your life.

If you need any further information regarding your whiplash claim please feel free to give us a call.

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