Whiplash Claims – What Next

At The Injury Lawyers, many of our clients suffer from the painful and frustrating condition known as whiplash.  Whiplash is a condition which is not so plain to see a scar or a broken bone, and so many people may discount it or devalue it in their minds. At The Injury Lawyers, we know the pain our clients suffer through whiplash and the destructive effect the condition can have on their lives; we therefore treat the condition extremely seriously and with the importance it deserves.


The symptoms of whiplash can be felt differently by different people. However, for most, the symptoms do not become apparent until around 6 – 12 hours after the accident – they may then increase in severity for up to one week. A sufferer may feel tenderness, stiffness, and/or numbness in their neck which may radiate to other areas such as in the shoulders or back. Sufferers can have decreased mobility in their neck, or in more extreme circumstances, have no mobility at all.

Whiplash can be a very unpredictable condtion whereby a doctor may say you will recover in a few months, and you are still struggling in a years time. This is why it is advisable to gain the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer.


Specialist personal injury lawyers when valuing your claim use the Judicial Studies Board Guidelines. This set valuations into bands:

Minor whiplash injuries are worth between £1,000 and £5,000
Moderate whiplash injuries are worth between £5,000 and £15,000
Severe whiplash injuries are worth more than £15,000

In which band your injury goes depends on a number of factors. These can be the severity of your injury and the effect it has had on your life. When we say the effect on your life, this may include: your work – have you had time off work due to your injuries?; domestic life – have you needed assistance with household chore?; your social life – have you not been able to go out with friends and family as you did before the accident? The effect the injury has had on any hobbies you have is also something which will be looked at. This is something we will enquire of you in depth upon taking on your claim on, and it is something which would usually be included in any medical report you have.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with whiplash claims and so are fully able to provide any further advice you may need.

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