Tragic Accidents At Work

Anyone who has been involved in an accident at work will be aware of the implications they can have on everyday life. Not only do they carry the risk of preventing you from returning to work in the area where your skills lie, they can also make other possible employers turn you away when you try to get back into work.

Some job roles put employees in circumstances where accidents unfortunately are always going to be a risk. For example, manual labour, such as working on a building site; were strict health and safety regulations are in place that employers and employees must abide by to keep the chance of them becoming involved in an accident to a minimum. However, there is always going to be that risk of them becoming injured at work.

There was a story in the news about a man in Ireland who lost his arm whilst working with a cement mixer at a school in Belfast. The man, who is understood to have been in his early twenties, was working at St Bernadette’s Primary School in Ballymurphy, Belfast. His hand got caught in the cement mixer causing his arm to be ripped off at the shoulder.

When the accident took place it is believed it was witnessed by the schools pupils and their parents who all had to be rushed into assembly to prevent any further upset. Celia O’Reilly, the head teacher at the school, said:

They realised something was happening but we wanted to save them from any trauma. At the time there were no children in the yard, which was fortunate. It could have happened at lunchtime or at break. We are having an assembly this morning and will pray for the young man and his family.

The man was rushed to Ulster Hospital in Dundonald where he had surgery on his wounds. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have put an investigation into place to find out exactly what went wrong to cause the young man such horrific injuries.

Any accident at work can be an extremely stressful and upsetting time for those involved, especially if the injury they have suffered is likely to have an extreme effect on their life. If you have suffered an injury at work in an accident that wasn’t your fault the Injury Lawyers may be able to help.

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