The BIG Drive Home…Oh The Joys

It’s 5pm and you’ve just tuned into the radio, for the ‘big drive home’. Within minutes it’s time for the travel news, which kindly informs you that there has been another pile up on the M1, which means you’ll be queuing in traffic for a good few hours.

This means that you’ll be using more petrol, which is costing you more money. But I’m guessing at that moment in time that’s the least of your worries. All you can think about is getting home and sitting in front the T.V with a nice cuppa tea, unless it’s close to pay day and your tanks showing red.

That’s what runs through my mind every day I finish work. I jump in the car, and rush off home. Happily singing along to the tunes on the radio generously picked out by my favourite DJ on my chosen radio station.

A typical drive home consists of me driving four junctions down the M1, and believe me that can get repetitive. I often find myself going off into my own little day dream, just watching the cars go by. That’s not a good thing when I’m driving 70mph.

Luckily I’ve never been involved in an accident, I say that touching wood. Well apart from the one time I reversed into my mum’s car whilst waving to her and the cats. But that doesn’t count.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a few lucky escapes. I think I’m the type of driver people enjoy pulling out on, then again I’ve been known to do that a few times.

The thing about driving that makes me laugh the most is how angry people get. Everyone, at some point in their driving life must have experienced some form of road rage. I think the aluminium box we’re sat driving in goes to our heads.

It gives us an air of confidence that makes us feel invincible, that we can say whatever we like to other drivers because our aluminium bubble protects us.

It’s like that DVLA advert that shows everyone walking around on the street shouting at one another…then it says THINK because you wouldn’t do that on the street so don’t do it in your car.

I think that there should be a happy driver’s day where everyone on the roads, smiles at each other….and shouts nice things, like I like your hair or your cars clean. Then again I do live in a dream world after all…

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