Road Rage

Let’s face it, we all sometimes get it! That fleeting moment of fury that takes over us when a fellow road user cuts us up at a roundabout or pulls out from a side road in to our path.

And it’s not difficult to comprehend that road rage is a major cause of road traffic accidents worldwide. And as winter approaches and the weather worsens, the conditions of Britain’s roads over the course of the following months will slowly deteriorate as the cold, wet weather makes driving conditions more difficult and slows traffic down.

And at 8:30am on a Monday morning stuck on the M1 with thousands of other cars all eagerly endeavouring to make it to their workplaces on time with the cold rain hammering down on the road surface, commuters can’t help but feel the frustration.

And it’s at times like these when impatience can take over and an accident is caused. From a vehicle failing to heed the likelihood of traffic slowing down and colliding with the rear of the vehicle in front, to an overtaking manoeuvre performed too fast on a wet road causing the offending vehicle to slide out of control and result in an accident.

And road rage is no excuse!

So it’s important to remember that as road users we all have a duty of care to maintain the safety of not only ourselves, but that of our fellow drivers. And as I am sure many of you are aware, legislation is in place enforcing this!

The Road Traffic Act 1988 outlines in clear English, the responsibility a road user has; and these rules are there for a reason!

And as these rules in legislation are not only clear, but they are the basis of the instruction provided to learner drivers, so there is no excuse for failing to adhere to them! And it this legislation we rely upon when a client is making a claim for personal injury arising out of a road traffic accident.

Road traffic accidents (or RTA’s) are relatively easy when it comes to establishing who is at fault. So claiming for a personal injury you have sustained from a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault really can be a straight forward process!

And we suggest you seek expert advice from an independent expert personal injury solicitor..

We make the process of claiming for personal injury easy – we give you straight, honest, and professional advice. We wouldn’t have it any other way!

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