Sunbed Legislation on Horizon

The government is to push for strict new controls governing the use of sunbeds. Radiation and medical experts have concluded that unmanned tanning salons should be banned across the UK and that other tanning salons should only be available to those over the age of 18. The Health and Safety Executive estimates more than 100 deaths per year from cancer as linked to use of sunbeds.

This has long been a controversial issue, indeed Scotland already has similar legislation to that being proposed in place. A particular problem has been the unmanned, coin operated salons. Without appropriate guidance and supervision the intensity of the sunbeds could be dangerous.

Although guidelines for use are in place, with recommendations as to who can use sunbeds and for how long, the guidelines covering their use are only voluntary and the use of sunbeds is not properly regulated. Without clear regulations in place it has been known for serious injuries to be suffered due to the use of sunbeds.

The effect of the beds is different from person to person and those of fairer skin can be particularly vulnerable to suffering burns injuries. The industry body the Sunbed Association has previously stated that there is no proven link between the ‘responsible’ use of sun beds and cancer but has welcomed calls for a ban on unmanned salons.

In light of both the opinion of medical experts and also the position of the Sunbed Association it seems clear that some form of regulation will come pass shortly, however one sticking point may be the age at which people would be legally allowed to use the sunbeds. Whilst the radiation and medical experts have indicated a minimum age of 18 would be appropriate, the Sunbed Association has indicated that it believes 16 year olds are responsible enough to use sunbeds.

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