Dental negligence claims checklist

Dentists like all other health care professionals have a duty of care to their patients. If they are found to be in breach of that duty then a claim for negligence may be brought against them.

It is believed by many that pursuing a dental negligence claim can often be easier than other medical negligence claims. The reason this is believed is because most dental procedures are tried and tested over many years and therefore it leaves very little room for manoeuvre for negligence within the actual procedure itself.

Therefore, pointing the finger of blame when a personal injury is sustained to the dentist or health care professional performing the treatment.

There are a number of different procedures and treatments a dentist may be negligent, for example:

Careless work – if a dentist carelessly treats you, through using incorrect equipment or not performing the operation or treatment correctly.

Missed diagnosis – if a dentist fails to diagnose an oral condition or dental treatment that you require and as a result your condition has worsened.

Incorrect diagnosis – if a dentist misdiagnoses an oral condition or dental treatment that you require subjecting you to unnecessary pain and suffering.

Drug usage error – there are a number of different failures to consider under this one heading. If a dentist administers the wrong drug or amount of drug. As well as if a dentist fails to note any allergic reactions within the patient’s medical notes. Also if the drug isn’t administered correctly there may be a claim for negligence.

Inadequate treatment – a dentist carrying out inadequate treatment can lead to a claim of negligence.

Swallowed Instruments – dental instruments and equipment becoming loose and as a result a patient swallowing them.

Dental negligence claims can be pursued and brought against either the private practise the dentist is working for or the NHS, depending on how and under what capacity you were treated.

It’s best to seek the expert legal advise from a professional medical negligence lawyer, such as ourselves, that has experience is this area. A lawyer who is educated on the procedures and medical terminology used in the dentistry world, and knows exactly how to apply the law to your particular dental negligence case.

Call 0800 634 75 75 to get your dental negligence claim started today.

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