Understanding 100% Compensation Injury Claims

We thought we would begin to build a little personal injury lawyers database of terms that are branded around within the industry. As our title suggests today we are going to be focusing on 100% Compensation Claims.

What does it mean?

100% Compensation Injury Claims are also known as No Win No Fee claims. The Lawyer/Solictor will only be paid if they are successful in their claim. The losing party will cover the costs.

If your lawyer/solicitor is unsuccessful in the claim then you will not have to pay them but you will have to pay the fees of the successful party. Normally, lawyers are covered by special insurance in this case. But its always best to check before you enter into a No Win No Fee agreement.

So, there you have it the speedy version to injury lawyer speak. We’ll be running more in the up and coming weeks so why don’t you subscribe to our RSS feed so you can instantly know when we publish new content.

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