Personal Injury Law American Style

An American Personal Injury Law firm has built a life-size courtroom within their own building. At a whopping cost of $250,000 the mock-courtroom is perfect in every detail except for a few high tech additions. It is rigged with modern TV cameras, sensor equipment and modern conference calling equipment.

Why the need for the extravagance. Its all about Video. With video evidence being used more and more in trials the mock courtroom allows the Injury Lawyers the chance to give evidence while a large overhead screen plays out video images to help back a lawyers statement.

It’s a lot like airplane simulators used at pilot training academies. Dry runs are important to help build experience and encourage confidence. Within the mock-courtroom, jurors can twist a dial to rate a lawyers performance. The drama being unfolded can be sent live via the Internet to others that have an interest in the proceedings. Even at the end, as the jurors retire to deliver their judgement on the proceedings, the lawyer can sit back and watch how they came to the decision just like a TV Studio.

The full story on the mock courtroom can be found here. I would be interested to hear any views on this as I can see both good and bad points about this modern courtroom simulator.

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