Accident Claims Against an Uninsured or Hit and Run Driver

Been involved in car accident is an unfortunate event. Being involved in a car accident with an uninsured driver especially if you have been injured and the uninsured driver was at fault – now that’s just worrying if you are looking to make an accident claim. But it need not be so. There is an organisation that can help.

The Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) was established in 1946 to “compensate the victims of negligent uninsured and untraced motorists ”. The MIB is funded by all Motor Insurers in the UK. So all legitimate drivers that pay insurance actually fund the MIB through their premium payments.


If you have been injured by a driver who doesn’t stop then you must report to the Police within 14 days of the accident or if you have been badly injured then as soon as reasonably possible.


In any instance we suggest contacting The Injury Lawyers if you are looking to make an accident compensation claim following either an accident with an uninsured driver or a vehicle that sped off from the scene (hit and run).


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